World First
Botanical Blend with Chlorella Sesaplex
The #1 Natural Stem Cell Supplement Formulated in USA
- Dr.Mark Dargan Smith, Dr. Ann Steele & their team -
CellAge+ is a natural plant-based stem cell formulation with immune balancer. It is a complete functional food containing a , patented in USA natural substances, presenting one of the most powerful constituents to support stem cell health discovered to date.
π Enchance, modulate and balance in the immune system
π Proven safe and effectiveness in scientific researchπ Help to detoxify toxic metal and chemicalsπ A proven brain food and brain cell protectorπ Produces antioxidants to combat damaging free radicalsπ A natural anti-inflammatory and anti-aging propertiesπ Activate protein synthesis (RNA/DNA), sugar & fat metabolismπ Increases growth of beneficial bacteria in colon by 400%π Strengthen and improves hair, skin and nailsπ Promote muscle repair and quick recovery following a heavy workout
the INGREDIENTSπ Sunfiber Prebiotic Guar Seed Fiberπ Curcuminπ Organic Young Triticum Sativumπ Organic Oryza Sativa Cell Food (APP)π SesaPlex and Sesaminπ Proprietary Berry Extract Formulaπ Quercitin Polyphenolsπ Ganoderma Lucidumπ Fucoidinπ Pisum Sativum (Pea Protein)π Chlorophycea Extract of Nucleic Acids π Xylitol
It showed that CellAge+ ingredients not only awaken hibernating stem cells but it also increased stem cells growth by up to 4x in only 5 hours and sustained growth for 30 even up to 60 days.
The stem cells will replaced, repaired, regenerated, restored, delaying aging and restored degenerative disease functions.
It is also to build and regulate the immune system.
I direct consume from the sachet. It is suggested that adults can take up to 2-4 sachets and for children to take 1-2 sachets daily.
I have consumed this supplement during my period and it helped to relieve my menstrual pain and the tiredness will go away by itself in next day. I felt better and light. It is also giving me good energy to start my day after good night sleep.It is also booster up our bodies to protect from covid-19.
We must always take good care of ourselves by taking vitamins and supplements too.Stay healthy.
#lavierofficial #laviercellage+#naturalstemcellsupplement
π Proven safe and effectiveness in scientific research